Nature Happenings
- Project FeederWatch ends this month,
- If it's an irruptive year, Snowy Owls depart for the Arctic.
- Caspian Tern, Barn Swallows, Purple Martins, Wilson’s Warblers and Common Yellowthroats arrive.
- Red-Breasted Nuthatch courtship behavior begins.
- Kildeer eggs are laid and incubated for 24-26 days.
- Great Blue Heron egg-laying begins in April with incubation lasting 28 days.
- One of the first native butterflies to emerge from its overwintering chrysalis is the Sara Orangetip.
- Rufous Hummingbirds arrive from Mexico.
- Listen for Ruffed Grouse drumming in the lower-elevation mixed woodlands.
- Two beautiful camas species (Camassia Quamash and C. Leichtlinii) are blooming now.
- Cliff Swallows come from southern South America to build their mud nests under eaves and bridges.
- Western Tanagers and Black-headed Grosbeaks arrive from central Mexican forests.
- Lyrids meteor shower, late-April.
- Earth Day, April 22.